
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Enemies of the Cross of Christ

And They Crucified Him

"For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." Philippians 3:18-19

As stated in the Scriptures, the time has come when men are no longer willing to endure sound doctrine. The teaching of the cross has become anathema to many...even to those who name the name of Jesus Christ. Yet their offense at the cross of Christ is the very thing which will damn them to Hell.

Monday, April 19, 2010

License, Legalism, or Liberty?

As I listened to a sermon from David Pawson this morning on the Book of Romans, I was struck by how perfectly the issues in Rome describe the errors which are permeating the churchworld in our day.

One of the purposes of Min. Pawson's sermon was to address the context for why the Book of Romans was written. He reviews how the church in Rome started with a fellowship of Jewish believers. However, when faith in Christ began to cause a conflict within the Jewish community, the Roman Emperor Claudius expelled the Jewish believers from Rome.

By the time the Jewish community was again welcomed back to Rome, the church at Rome had become largely comprised of, and run by, Gentile believers. It is this disparity between the Jewish and Gentile believers that Min. Pawson suggests is being addressed in Paul's letter to Rome.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wilderness Walk

The following is an article from Cathy Morris at Lovest Thou Me.

There is much talk today of the wilderness experience. Some people fear it, some are ashamed of it, some dread that it might happen to them. We feel safe in the familiar. There is also much exposure of the failures and shortcomings of the Church today.

Not any one particular sect or denomination, but across the board. Everything bearing the name Christian is polluted. We are aware that the Church is full of mixture and corruption, but we still feel like we have to defend it, or some how try to fix it, after all, it's all we've ever known. There has to be a Church.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 6

Wilderness Survival for Christians Series
by Joseph Herrin of The Parables Blog

An Absence of Applause

The church calls Christ “Lord.” It is perhaps the most common appellation used in reference to both the Son and the Father. The church speaks of the cross, albeit usually in reference to the one that Yahshua bore. The church speaks the word “Faith” endlessly. Observing these things, you might think that someone who truly accepts Christ as Lord, surrendering to obey the leading of His Spirit in all things, and who embraces a walk of faith would receive much encouragement and support from other Christians who observe their life.

If this is your expectation, then I must warn you that you will be greatly disappointed.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 5

Wilderness Survival for Christians Series
by Joseph Herrin of The Parables Blog

Counting the Cost of Your Journey

Surviving an arduous wilderness journey is made possible by doing the preliminary prep work. The value of careful planning cannot be overestimated. Some things must be done BEFORE one enters the wilderness. What adventurer would set forth on a difficult trek without first calculating the cost and making sure he had available resources to properly outfit himself for the journey? Many have perished in the wilderness for lack of such planning.

Let me remind those reading this series that the wilderness experience of every Christian is a metaphor of the disciple’s life. When we commit to following Christ we are to immediately leave all behind us, take up our cross, and follow Yahshua. This was symbolized on the night of the first Passover that Israel observed in Egypt.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 4

Wilderness Survival for Christians Series
by Joseph Herrin of The Parables Blog


I have learned much from my own wilderness walk. I desire to share these things that I might lessen some of the agony that comes to people when they do not understand what is happening to them. Oftentimes perplexity can lead people to despair for they may believe they have somehow gotten out of God’s will and are on their own. To think such a thing will rob the saint of peace and make it very difficult to continue on their way.

I have shared that in 1999 the Father brought me to a place of surrender to follow Him wherever He would lead. This was actually my moment of counting the cost of being a disciple of Christ and accepting it. I was immediately led into a wilderness walk. The narrow gate opened before me and the afflicted path to life greeted me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 3

Wilderness Survival for Christians Series
by Joseph Herrin of The Parables Blog

Wilderness Entry Point

If you were about to enter into a wilderness experience that a vast number of people had attempted before, an experience in which only a remnant survived, would you not want to study the lives of those who perished, and those who survived, that you might be prepared?

There are a great multitude of Christians who will perish in the wilderness. They will not enter into God’s rest. They will fall short of possessing the glorious inheritance that could have been theirs.

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 2

Wilderness Survival for Christians Series
by Joseph Herrin of The Parables Blog

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 2

Though None Go With Me, Still I Will Follow

The first post in this series spoke of the necessity of lightening one’s load to begin a journey into the wilderness. Knowing what to take, and what to leave behind is a critical matter. It is also necessary that those going into the wilderness make decisions concerning WHO to take, and WHO to leave behind.

When Christ declared what was required to be a disciple, He spoke of personal relationships. Even as He said that no man could be a disciple who did not give up all his possessions, He also said no man could be a disciple who did not give up all his relations.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 1

Wilderness Survival for Christians Series
by Joseph Herrin of The Parables Blog

Wilderness Survival for Christians - Part 1

There stands between you and Yahweh’s intended destination for you a journey that must be experienced. The path to your inheritance in Christ leads through a wilderness. Although this wilderness may include time spent in a natural wilderness area, and trials of a physical nature, such as finding food and shelter, the wilderness is primarily spiritual. The pattern with God is “first the natural, then the spiritual.”

I Corinthians 15:46
However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.