
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brokenness - The Key to Heavenly Life

Not of Works

Although we just completed a series on whether the Scriptures are reliable as God's words, the Scriptures in and of themselves are still not the whole of what is needed in the new life we have in Christ. Study of the Scriptures is what Zac Poonen below calls "necessary", but true victory in the Lord only comes through brokenness; when it is no longer about what we are doing for God, but what He is doing in and through us.

We must come through the Holy Place, which includes feeding on God's word, being enlightened by His Spirit, and communing with Him in prayer and worship...but our journey doesn't end there.

Let the Lord lead you into the Holy of Holies, into His very presence, through brokenness.

" For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." Psalm 51:16-17


  1. I really like this style of preaching in which you can understand every syllable as well as the intent of what is being said. His propensity for truth is refreshing.

    This is the second sermon that I've watched from your site. Thank you for cluing me in to this guy.

    Love the topics, especially Pt. #4 to this series!

  2. I do too! It is the same style of preaching my pastor uses. No theatrics, no yelling, no fancy stuff...just preaching the truth. :-)

    God Bless!

  3. Pastor Zac! He frequently speaks at my church here in the South Bay Area, CA. I find that he is all about the Bible and straight forward in his messages. I always look forward to hearing him speak. His son is one of the ministers at the church as well.

  4. I left a comment on the more recent post before I watched the sermon by Pastor Zac. All I can say is WOW! Where I'm from alot of the pastors are in the paper for molesting young boys, busted for drug smuggling, making passes at married women, or lining people up for collection according to who has 100, 500, or 1000 dollars. While there may be a few churches that are still preaching the truth, I have never seen pastors preach right to the point of truth no holds barred like I have on this blog. PRAISE BE TO GOD!

  5. Living Sacrifice....Romans's the next level with God...but hard for many christians including me :(


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