
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lord, You're Beautiful!

O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. Psalms 31:23-24

May we be strengthened in Him today!


  1. Sister M: I listen to Keith Green's music occasionally and have heard this particular song many times. But somehow today it really sang my heart and echoed what seems to have happened in my life: a paucity of prayer, small faith, etc. Sometimes I am not sure whether it's me that's far away from HIM or that HE is far away from me. My inner war against ME continues. Thanks for the post and the music. Have you heard Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace (The chains are gone")? BroGary

  2. Me too Bro. Gary! I remember when the praise and worship team used to sing this and it was just as beautiful then.

    I am reminded of the Scripture, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." James 4:8a As you say, I believe it boils down to an inner least it does for me. There is nothing from without a man that can defile him. As we possess more of our souls in sanctification unto Him, then the more He will fill us and the more we will walk in His power. Such is my prayer these days.

    Lauren has some Chris Tomlin on her ipod, but I don't have any and haven't heard that song. I'll look into it today.

    God bless you Bro. Gary & much love!

  3. I praise the Lord for thelatterdays.blogspot

    I have been blessed greatly by absolutely every single article I've read so far and I only pray to God that He may continue revealing truths to you and that you may continue sharing them with the Body of Christ and to all who want to hear the truth of this glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    God bless you, sister.

    Blessings from the tropical (& blessed) island of Puerto Rico.

  4. Hi Paola,

    May God be glorified if there is any edification here. We need more of Him and His truths in a time when too many could care less what God says or what His will is for our lives. We cannot reshape God to be who we want Him to be, but must be conformed to His image. It is my prayer that all who sincerely seek Him see this transformation happen in our lives so that Christ can be seen through us by others.

    Thank you for your blessings. More than anything else, I need more of Him in these days.

    God Bless!


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