
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting Ready For The End Of All Things

It Is Harvest Time, and the Harvest is HIS

"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins."  I Peter 4:7-8

We have often referred to Min. David Wilkerson's sermons and devotions on this site and - while there is some sadness in my heart at his passing last evening - I rejoice as I reflect on his life of service to the Lord.  His ministry has been a tremendous blessing to our family for years as he has encouraged us to continue and grow in the faith.

What perhaps strikes me most is a conversation I had with a sister in the Lord two days ago.  She shared how her mother began to struggle with bouts of depression as she fought against cancer near the end of her life.  In that time, she shared with her mom that really, no one knows the day or hour when their life will be required of them.  Even though one may struggle with a life-threatening disease, another who seems otherwise healthy can still die at any time.

Min. Wilkerson had mentioned recently being in prayer for a couple of family members fighting cancer and his seeking and hoping for God's healing in their lives.  Yet this morning, he is the one no longer here.  Yesterday, hundreds of individuals died in severe storms across the United States, and how many knew that April 27th would be their last day here?  Truly, tomorrow is not promised to anyone

We know that not one child of God will pass before it is God's will.  Our lives are truly in His hand and He is in complete control.  At the same time, we need to each individually be ready.  As such, I am posting Min. Wilkerson's sermon entitled, "Getting Ready for the End of All Things".  Even yesterday, I was studying I & II Peter, and Bro. Wilkinson uses these texts in this sermon to impress upon us Peters final words to the churches upon his pending death.

I pray that the urgency of the time in which we now live really touches your heart and renews in you a desire to seek and serve the Lord with your whole hearts.  As he states in the sermon, when it is your time, you don't want anything standing between you and your Savior.  Don't take each day lightly and be overcome with the cares of this life.  Redeem the times in which we now live and be ready for the harvest which is to come.

Please also keep the Wilkerson family in prayer during their time of need.  I thank the Lord for this man and the life he has poured out for God's people.  May the light of his ministry continue to compel others to Christ and may his family be comforted in their grief.

For those who are not familiar with Min. Wilkerson, below is a movie based on the life of his early ministry in New York City called, "The Cross and the Switchblade".

Tribute to David Wilkerson


  1. My prayers go out to his family, especially his wife who has survived the car crash. Why my heart is grieved at the loss of such a wonderful man of God, I know that there is a time for everything under the heavens and I rejoice about the legacy that he has left behind. May we all continue to prepare ourselves for the end of all things, may God open our spiritual eyes and ears so we will not get distracted with all the worldliness around us. May we all continue to dedicate our lives to Christ and be STILL, so we can hear the still, small voice for instruction. In Jesus, name.

    Thanks for sharing!!!



  2. Thanks for posting the movie. I never saw this before. It's amazing. The sermon was powerful as well. Thanks for blessing us through your ministry. Love you.

  3. Amen Jay!!

    Hi Alicia, we have followed Min. Wilkerson for years, but didn't find out about this movie until last year. As another blogger put it, we surely have lost one of the trusted watchmen of the Lord in his passing.

    Love you both!


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