
Saturday, January 26, 2013

For THERE the LORD Commanded the Blessing

Omega Spring Gathering 

"[A Song of degrees of David.] Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity

It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; 

As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." Psalm 133:1-2

It is something very special to have God's people dwelling together in unity.  As was shared in a previous post, a number of God's promises are only realized when the saints come together in one mind and purpose (unity).

To quote Min. David Pawson, "God doesn't want to just fill individuals with His Spirit, but His Body, His family."  This is the imagery we see in Psalm 133, where God's anointing covers the whole Body and all of Zion.  It is in such a setting of unity that our Lord commands His blessings to come forth.

In the comments section of another post, there has been discussion about the covenant believers have with one another.  While many know that we are in covenant with the Lord, it may not be understood that we are also in covenant with each other, our fellow believers.  This is simply a concept with which many are not familiar.  Therefore, I wanted to share a few teachings by Min. Derek Prince on this topic:
I pray you can take the time to read the teachings above as it might give new life and meaning to your understanding of what true fellowship is.

That said, I also wanted to extend an invitation for you to fellowship with us at the Omega Church & Ministries Center spring gathering. It will be in Atlanta, GA from April 26th - 28th.

Click here to register or obtain more information about this gathering.

It is my prayer that this fellowship be a time of refreshing, a time of unity, a time where the blessings of God will pour forth on and through every participant.  I am not speaking of simply earthly prosperity.  I am speaking of the life of Jesus Christ (in all its power, majesty, and grace) being made manifest in the lives of believers so that each person leaves with a deeper revelation of Christ within.  The days are dark, and getting darker, but that simply means the light of Christ must shine brighter within us all.  If you consider coming, please devote some time to fasting & prayer prior to the conference so that God will prepare our hearts for what He endeavors to accomplish at that time.  If you are unable to come, please pray nonetheless that God use this time to create a true & lasting unity by His Spirit which emboldens us all to be ministers of the Gospel (doers of His word).


  1. Is this for everyone? Or for members of Omega Ministries church? I'm interested in attending, but I must admit that I'm not a part of any church right now.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      It is surely open to everyone. This is not about membership in any particular church organization. If you are a member of the Body of Christ, then you are already a member of the church. :-)

      It is simply an opportunity to fellowship with like-minded believers. You are welcome to come and I hope that you do.

      God Bless!


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