
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Train Up A Child - Part 7

A Review of Education in America

Another way that the move towards one global mindset is being pushed is by changing the essentials of education. Think that the purpose of schooling is to teach your children reading, writing, and arithmetic? While that used to be the case, the objectives of education have changed. The goal now is to produce the perfect world citizen, and the education system in America is set-up to march in this new order.

This series of articles on education will be linked below via the listing of topics.

Train Up A Child Part 7a - Redefining The World View
  • How is education being used to shape our children's views of the world?
  • Is belief in a "new world order" just a conspiracy theory?
  • How do predictions about the new world order match with where we are today?
  • What does this new world view look like and how will education be used to attain it?

Train Up A Child Part 7b - Redefining The World View
  • The push for passage of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child Treaty (CRC) and what this treaty means for you
  • Evaluation of UNESCO's "Ten Things You Should Know About Education For All"
  • What is Harmonization and why is this critical to the success of the EFA agenda?
  • According to the U.S. Government, the "No Child Left Behind" initiative is merely a repositioning of the EFA agenda
  • The Education arena is being molded to recite the EFA mantra

Train Up A Child Part 7c - Redefining The World View\
  • Samuel Blumenfeld outlines why rejecting a belief in God is a critical component of producing a socialist, collectivist, humanist society.
  • Blumenfeld also explains how beliefs based on evolution were used by education reformers such as John Dewey to create education methodologies that would dramatically lower literacy rates in the United States
  • Examines how the dumbing down of American children was a deliberate and purposeful step taken to remove obstacles to socialism.

Train Up A Child Series

1 comment:

  1. I sent this whole series to my cousin who is home schooling her little girls and she is a Christian who sees what's going on in this world. I thank you for allowing the Lord to use you. I just ran across your youtube vids seeking truth, and this education series is one that came on time for me to send to my cousin, May the Lord continue to keep you in His perfect will.


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