Friday, November 12, 2010

The Mercy of God

May God Have Mercy On Our Souls

As I listened to this message today, it so convicted me.  I realized that at times in my heart - even if I hadn't verbalized it - I had been telling God, "It is just not fair."

Hear me here.  I am not speaking of conscious thought.  I am speaking of the hidden matters of the heart.  While I was holding on to faith and pressing on in the Lord, inside I was questioning: Why God?  Why is such and such happening? Why are you allowing it?

Honestly, I know that there are times we will have questions. However, at the heart of such statements is the belief that somehow, we don't deserve "this" [whatever "this" may be].  It is an accusation against God's righteousness.

Are we God?  Have we created the Heavens and the Earth?  Have we power over life or death?  Are we wise or just in our own eyes?  Is this not how God responded to Job?

What is it that we think we deserve from God?  Is not the summation of what we deserve death and the grave (Romans 6:23)?  If it were not for God's mercy, such would surely be our end.

Whatsoever God does for us, it is because of His mercy alone, and not because we have done anything to merit it.  As Min. Pawson says:

"God will give everyone what they deserve, but He will give some people more than they deserve.  He will be absolutely just with everyone, but He will be merciful to some."

"When you are in the Kingdom of Heaven, you don't have rights. You live by mercy."

"There is no such thing as luck or chance in the Kingdom of Heaven. God and luck are opposites."

Yes, as His children, there are certain promises to which we can hold as part of our inheritance in Him.  Yet even those things are still the result of His mercies...and it is to His mercy that we must appeal in all things. 

In this video, David Pawson examines how we receive the mercy of God.
  • God shows mercy to those who ask for it.
  • God shows mercy to those who pass it on.
  • God shows mercy to those who don't take advantage of it.


  1. Awsome as usual, I did not realize til today that you left youtube also. Can I please ask you a question, I am finding it hard to leave youtube and facebook alone. I do not thing i'm addicted but i have to be enter-tained daily. There has to be a problem with this what started as helping me draw closer to GOD only now helps me become idle. and the I have fallen into reading the gossip blogs. any suggestion. you help would be appreciated. God Bless you

  2. His teachings really help me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I just know that everything we go through is because He allows it to be so and that He loves us so dearly. I am finding because I know His love is so much greater than anything the devil can do I know that I will be victorious.
    We ask all the time, How long Lord will this or that be? I know that He loves us so much and one day we will understand why and who He created us to be in Him. Until that great day, lest just rest as much as we can and let Him have everything and we will be amazed at what He is going to do in these latter days.

    Be Blessed My Sister and Daughter in the Lord, Sister Barbara

  4. Hi Sis. Barbara,

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I know that is the truth and His promises are certainly what gets me through.

    Holding on to the faith and the assurance He first gave me when you revealed Him to me. :-)

    Much love!

  5. Hi Regi,

    I know that Youtube and FB started to get a place in my life that was not pleasing to God. These are fine as tools, but everything should be in its place. I even tried taking breaks from both for some periods of time, but that was not what God wanted. I did not have His peace until I left.

    I am not saying that this is what all should do. I am saying to seek God on what He wants you to do.

    You mention that you must be entertained daily. There is a place for relaxation and fun, but there is also a place for being sober-minded disciplined. If you "have to" be entertained, then it is likely that your flesh is trying to derail you from spiritual things. It is giving you inordinate desires because it doesn't want to be denied. In fact, the more we stand up to deny the flesh (food, entertainment, idleness, etc.) the stronger those desires can become.

    But don't give in to them. We are not to be ruled by the flesh. Like Paul, we must keep it in subjection to our spirit, and not vice versa. The more you give in to the fleshly desires, the more it will lead you into areas you should not go.

    God is letting you see that your flesh is trying to rule you. If He is showing you that you are spending too much time in certain areas (and maybe not enough time in others), act on that knowledge. Act on what He has already shown you and seek more clarity for areas which may be unclear. Seek Him in fasting in prayer about what you need to do to be led by the Spirit.

    "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit." Romans 8:5

    God Bless!

  6. I wanted to comment that I too, was addicted to facebook and most recently, You Tube and the fact that I was spending so much time on these sites was really convicting to me. I would always try to rationalize my fixation with these sites, but at the end of the day -- I knew that I LOVED these sites more than I LOVED GOD and when I finally admitted that -- I was hit hard.

    Some people can handle the temptation and not think anything of it. But -- I too had to cut out Facebook and the LORD is giving me the grace to use You Tube as just a tool to glean certain information.

    I pray that we all heed His voice and calling so that we can become more and more conformed into His image.

    God Bless!


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