“I am just a sinner, saved by grace.”
The above is one of the saddest statements made in the Christian church. It displays a lack of understanding about how God sees sin and worse, how God sees saints.
The picture to the right is an excellent depiction of the believer's relationship to sin. We cannot be in sin while at the same time being in Christ for Jesus is the bridge that takes us from death (sin) to life.
Do you know that God never calls a Christian a sinner? So what is the difference between being a sinner and being a Christian?
Below we review every occurrence of the word "sinner" in the King James Bible. The purpose is not to give a deep exposition of each text, but to simply see who God calls "sinners". In doing this, we will see how God contrasts sinners versus those who belong to Him. You will notice that you can only be one or the other, not both.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I Am Not a Sinner - Part 2
This article is part of a series of posts that may be better understood starting from the beginning.
The Crux of the Matter
In reviewing what the Scriptures have to say about sinners, it is interesting to note that there is continuously a line being drawn in the sand. God distinguishes between those who are called His and those who are called sinners.
One is either righteous, upright, good, pleasing God, fearing God, wise, God's child, forgiven, found, alive, justified, hallowed, delighting in God, redeemed, made whole, obedient, doing the work of God, converted, a saint...or one is a sinner.
This indicates that, to God, a sinner is more than just someone who commits sin. A sinner is someone who is in agreement with sin. When we repent, we are turning a complete 180 degrees away from the direction we were headed before. The Christian walk then is one of walking away from sin.
The Crux of the Matter
In reviewing what the Scriptures have to say about sinners, it is interesting to note that there is continuously a line being drawn in the sand. God distinguishes between those who are called His and those who are called sinners.
One is either righteous, upright, good, pleasing God, fearing God, wise, God's child, forgiven, found, alive, justified, hallowed, delighting in God, redeemed, made whole, obedient, doing the work of God, converted, a saint...or one is a sinner.
This indicates that, to God, a sinner is more than just someone who commits sin. A sinner is someone who is in agreement with sin. When we repent, we are turning a complete 180 degrees away from the direction we were headed before. The Christian walk then is one of walking away from sin.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Gospel is Scandalous
Few people seem to understand the miraculous event that conversion is. If you understand and believe the Word of God, that is to no credit of your own. It is the work of God.
The attached message is from Paul Washer and addresses the wonderful power of God which alone can change the heart of man and open blinded eyes. The only thing I would add to this is that upon truly being born again, the life birthed within you by the Spirit transforms you into a new creation.
The attached message is from Paul Washer and addresses the wonderful power of God which alone can change the heart of man and open blinded eyes. The only thing I would add to this is that upon truly being born again, the life birthed within you by the Spirit transforms you into a new creation.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Videos #25-27
The Message of Twilight Directed to Women
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 3:44:25 point (3 hours, 44 minutes, and 25 seconds into the video).
Video #25-27 Topics
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 3:44:25 point (3 hours, 44 minutes, and 25 seconds into the video).
Video #25-27 Topics
- Biblical mockery in Twilight as when Edward tells Bella, "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"
- Why Satan targets women
- Corruption of young girls into sexual perversion
- Bella as a presentation of feminism
- The vampire subculture "religion" as a social community which is undergirded by the church of Satan
- Progression into the occult
- Evolution of the Vampire religion
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #24
From the Mouth of Author Stephanie Meyer
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 3:31:59 point (3 hours, 31 minutes, and 59 seconds into the video).
Video #24 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 3:31:59 point (3 hours, 31 minutes, and 59 seconds into the video).
Video #24 Topics:
- Quotes from Stephanie Meyer about how she created Twilight
- She describes how she channeled the series
- The first book in the Twilight series begins with Genesis 2:17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
- Review of Twilight characters and plot
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Videos #22-23
A Christian Response to Those in the Church who Support Twilight
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 3:23:00 point (3 hours, 23 minutes, and 00 seconds into the video).
Video #22-23 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 3:23:00 point (3 hours, 23 minutes, and 00 seconds into the video).
Video #22-23 Topics:
- What the Bible says about addressing such individuals
- We need to fight!
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #18 - 21
Examination of "Christian" Reviews of Twilight
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:34:22 point (2 hours, 34 minutes and 22 seconds into the video).
Video #18-21 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:34:22 point (2 hours, 34 minutes and 22 seconds into the video).
Video #18-21 Topics:
- Further examination of the Catholic endorsement of Twilight
- Examination of Homeschool endorsements
- Religious organizations (including many christian ministries) as tools of Satan
- Further examination of "Christian" reviews of Twilight, including Focus on the Family
- Twilight review by Focus on the Family
- Twilight review by Christianity Today's Movies.com
- Twilight review by Christian teen magazine "Ignite Your Faith"
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #16 - 17
Disembodied Spirits of the Nephilim
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:20:33 point (2 hours, 20 minutes and 33 seconds into the video).
Video #16-17 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:20:33 point (2 hours, 20 minutes and 33 seconds into the video).
Video #16-17 Topics:
- Discuss other Stephanie Meyers' works
- The Book of Enoch as valid and supporting of the Word of God
- Demons a disembodied spirits of the nephilim
- Being blinded to cursed items into your home
- Twilight invites its fans (Twi-hards) to partake of activities that invite occult worship and demonic possession
- Catholic endorsement of the Twilight series
- There is no precedent for female angels
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #15
Mormonism vs. Christianity
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:11:00 point (2 hours, 11 minutes and 00 seconds into the video).
Video #15 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:11:00 point (2 hours, 11 minutes and 00 seconds into the video).
Video #15 Topics:
- The vampire "Edward" eventually visits Stephanie Meyers and reveals his true image
- Generational curses
- Mormonism vs. Christianity
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #14
Many Entertainment Works are Channeled Through Demon Spirits
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:02:34 point (2 hour 02 minutes and 34 seconds into the video).
Video #14 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 2:02:34 point (2 hour 02 minutes and 34 seconds into the video).
Video #14 Topics:
- A number of entertainment works are channeled by demonic forces
- There is no such thing as "luck" which is derived from the word Lucifer
- Familiar spirits working through people in high places
- Stephanie Meyers credits suicidal influences as being instrumental to developing this series
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #9 - 13
The One World Religion of Witchcraft
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 1:10:20 point (48 minutes and 00 seconds) into the video.
Video #9-13 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 1:10:20 point (48 minutes and 00 seconds) into the video.
Video #9-13 Topics:
- Lighthouse Trails Research article on occult practices infiltrating the church, including Twilight
- Twilight vampires are presented as "good" vegan vampires
- Christians are suggesting that there are Christian principles which you can draw from the story
- The history of the legend of vampires
- The relevance of the nephilim to the end of the world
- How to deal with Satan and satanic spirits
- We are approaching open manifestation of evil as in the days of Noah
- God wants warriors for spiritual warfare!
- Additional folklore about vampires
- Propensity for drinking blood increases as demonic possession increases
- Understanding why the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation
- How most religions tries to accomplish salvation through self-redemption and works
- Like Catholicism, vampires need a continual sacrifice of blood to gain eternal life
- Stephanie Meyer quoted about the channeled "dream" that inspired Twilight
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #5 - 8
Can Twilight be Justified from a Biblical Perspective?
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 38:50 point (38 minutes and 50 seconds into the video).
Video #5 - 8 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 38:50 point (38 minutes and 50 seconds into the video).
Video #5 - 8 Topics:
- Scriptural text about deception, false works, and the Christian duty to judge what is sound
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #4
What the Bible says about consuming blood
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 29:53 point (29 minutes and 53 seconds into the video).
Video #4 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 29:53 point (29 minutes and 53 seconds into the video).
Video #4 Topics:
- The fallacy of the Hallelujah diet
- The admonition of not eating blood in Leviticus dietary law
- Distinguishing between moral laws vs. ceremonial laws
- Partaking of blood is directly tied to witchcraft
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #3
What the popularity of this series among Christians says about the state of the church
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 16:00 point (16 minutes and 00 seconds into the video).
Video #3 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 16:00 point (16 minutes and 00 seconds into the video).
Video #3 Topics:
- Drinking blood as an occultic, pagan practice
- Stephanie Meyers was visited by the vampire in dreams as the inspiration for this book
- Vampires presented as attractive figures
- The Church has lost a sense of what is sacred
- Dietary advice on how to draw blood out of meat
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed! - Video #2
Mormon Author Stephanie Meyers' claim to be "anti-human" and how this celebrates death
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 7:30 point (7 minutes and 30 seconds into the video).
Video #2 Topics:
This video is a message by Dr. Scott Johnson exposing the darkness associated with the Twilight vampire series. These used to be separate videos, but they were deleted by Youtube. Therefore, I am posting the whole sermon here. These particular topics listed below begin at about the 7:30 point (7 minutes and 30 seconds into the video).
Video #2 Topics:
- The Twilight series was channeled by demons
- Stephanie Meyer's views about humanity and her claims to be "anti-human"
- The love of death in our culture and the angel of death, Asriel
- How the vampire story mocks the blood of Jesus shed for humanity
- How Christian groups are supporting this book
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Twilight Series (Vampire Love Story) Exposed!
I have heard from my daughter (who attends a Christian school), that a number of her friends are caught up in this Twilight vampire series. This is much more toxic than the Harry Potter series.
As such, I am posting an expose by Dr. Scott Johnson on the Satanic message ingrained in this work. To quote Dr. Johnson: "This is how insane the world is...particularly the church!"
The Twilight Saga is a series of novels by Stephenie Meyer describing an illicit romance between a teenage girl and a vampire. The four books have sold more than 17 million copies, been translated into 20 languages, and spun off a new movie that grossed $70 million in its first week.
Twilight has become a pop culture phenomenon hotter than Pottermania, promoting midnight release parties and vampire proms, obsessed fans called Twi-hards, and spawning more than 350 fan sites online that claim more than 100 million hits.
The series is about a sophomore teenage girl named Bella who moves to a new town and falls in love with a vampire named Edward. Though 108 years old, he appears to be 17. The story is about their infatuation for each other and the consequences of a lustful vampire/mortal romance.
As such, I am posting an expose by Dr. Scott Johnson on the Satanic message ingrained in this work. To quote Dr. Johnson: "This is how insane the world is...particularly the church!"
The Twilight Saga is a series of novels by Stephenie Meyer describing an illicit romance between a teenage girl and a vampire. The four books have sold more than 17 million copies, been translated into 20 languages, and spun off a new movie that grossed $70 million in its first week.
Twilight has become a pop culture phenomenon hotter than Pottermania, promoting midnight release parties and vampire proms, obsessed fans called Twi-hards, and spawning more than 350 fan sites online that claim more than 100 million hits.
The series is about a sophomore teenage girl named Bella who moves to a new town and falls in love with a vampire named Edward. Though 108 years old, he appears to be 17. The story is about their infatuation for each other and the consequences of a lustful vampire/mortal romance.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Finding Christ
From Religion to Relationship
Many people talk about "religion" versus "relationship", but in my case, it truly defines my coming to know Jesus Christ. Based on some questions that have been asked, I would like to take a moment to share my testimony in this area.
I was raised as a Catholic and most of my mother's family are still devout Catholics. From a child, I knew I wanted to be close to God. While in 5th grade, a visiting priest addressed our class and informed us that the closest we could get to God was to become priests and nuns. Well, that sealed it for me. I decided that I wanted to be a nun and began volunteering to help clean the convent while in school as preparation for this transition.
Many people talk about "religion" versus "relationship", but in my case, it truly defines my coming to know Jesus Christ. Based on some questions that have been asked, I would like to take a moment to share my testimony in this area.
I was raised as a Catholic and most of my mother's family are still devout Catholics. From a child, I knew I wanted to be close to God. While in 5th grade, a visiting priest addressed our class and informed us that the closest we could get to God was to become priests and nuns. Well, that sealed it for me. I decided that I wanted to be a nun and began volunteering to help clean the convent while in school as preparation for this transition.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sexual Fluidity?
Even Their Women...
Recent studies show how more and more women are leaving men to pursue lesbian relationships with women. In a trend being called "sexual fluidity", women are experiencing "new freedoms" to go back and forth between heterosexual and homosexual relationships.
According to Lisa Diamond, author of the book Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire, "Fluidity represents a capacity to respond erotically in unexpected ways due to particular situations or relationships. It doesn't appear to be something a woman can control." Researchers say that this phenomenon seems to be more prevalent with women than with men.
Recent studies show how more and more women are leaving men to pursue lesbian relationships with women. In a trend being called "sexual fluidity", women are experiencing "new freedoms" to go back and forth between heterosexual and homosexual relationships.
According to Lisa Diamond, author of the book Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire, "Fluidity represents a capacity to respond erotically in unexpected ways due to particular situations or relationships. It doesn't appear to be something a woman can control." Researchers say that this phenomenon seems to be more prevalent with women than with men.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Worship of Baal-Peor
This article has been updated and compiled into the book, "Turning the World Upside Down" The Spirit of Homosexuality and the Last Days"
The Devastator
The Scriptures speak of an incident where Israel is led astray into sexual sin. The seriousness of this event is so significant, that God warns the Church in Revelations against this sort of idolatry. This post contains videos showing how this error is being propagated to our children today, but first we have to understand the Scriptural background.
The story unfolds in Numbers Chapter 22 as Israel is preparing to enter into the promised land. The King of the Moabites, Balak (which means "devastator"), feared that Israel would do to his people what had been done to others. He sought a prophet to curse Israel so that he could drive them out of the land.
The elders of Moab left with "rewards of divination" to hire Balaam, son of Beor (which means burning) who was a soothsayer. When Balaam seeks God about this request, God states that He will not curse Israel because they are blessed. Balaam then sends the men from Moab back on their way.
The Devastator

The story unfolds in Numbers Chapter 22 as Israel is preparing to enter into the promised land. The King of the Moabites, Balak (which means "devastator"), feared that Israel would do to his people what had been done to others. He sought a prophet to curse Israel so that he could drive them out of the land.
The elders of Moab left with "rewards of divination" to hire Balaam, son of Beor (which means burning) who was a soothsayer. When Balaam seeks God about this request, God states that He will not curse Israel because they are blessed. Balaam then sends the men from Moab back on their way.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Ishtar!
This video really requires little introduction.
This may hit some of you pretty hard because it is slamming up against the traditions of men. Yet, it is time out for believing and doing things just because "some pastor, family member, school, church, or whoever" has told you to. It is time for wisdom and discernment. We cannot be expected to accomplish what is before us as a people of God while still being blind and giving heed to idolatry in our very midst.
This may hit some of you pretty hard because it is slamming up against the traditions of men. Yet, it is time out for believing and doing things just because "some pastor, family member, school, church, or whoever" has told you to. It is time for wisdom and discernment. We cannot be expected to accomplish what is before us as a people of God while still being blind and giving heed to idolatry in our very midst.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Power, Love, And a Sound Mind
I was awakened tonight with this verse in mind.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7
All the world has to offer is fear, yet we are not of the world. In the midst of uncertainty, the Body of Christ has nothing to fear because our hope is not in this world. Notice as well that God says fear is a "spirit".
As opposed to a spirit of fear, God's Spirit gives us power or "dynamis." This is the basis for words such as dynamite and dynamic. Just consider that for a moment. There is nothing you will encounter today over which you cannot be victorious through the power of God. Even more, you carry this power within as a testimony to others so that they too may come to know the goodness of the Lord. Don't start this day thinking any less of what God is able to do through and for you today. Neither should we take the stance of being a victim. Don't glorify in the devil by focusing on what he may be doing in your life. But give Glory to the Most High, who has already provided the way out of every situation.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7
All the world has to offer is fear, yet we are not of the world. In the midst of uncertainty, the Body of Christ has nothing to fear because our hope is not in this world. Notice as well that God says fear is a "spirit".
As opposed to a spirit of fear, God's Spirit gives us power or "dynamis." This is the basis for words such as dynamite and dynamic. Just consider that for a moment. There is nothing you will encounter today over which you cannot be victorious through the power of God. Even more, you carry this power within as a testimony to others so that they too may come to know the goodness of the Lord. Don't start this day thinking any less of what God is able to do through and for you today. Neither should we take the stance of being a victim. Don't glorify in the devil by focusing on what he may be doing in your life. But give Glory to the Most High, who has already provided the way out of every situation.
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