LDM, Thank you for your wonderful work on this important subject. I personally have recently come to the understanding that oral sex is wrong, even f ...
This was a great message as well. It helps me to safeguard myself from being of the nature. And truly focusing on God alone. You very correct about fa ...
Hello Don,
Great questions. The Holy Spirit will draw people to the Lord. People in their nature are looking to be filled, complete and Jes ...
What is it that leads the guilty sinner to love God. Do I have to obey Him in order for Him to love me? Do I have to believe in Him in order for Him t ...
Praise God! The spirit led me here after just finishing the movie WW84! There was a lot of need to read between the lines. The ending of the latest wo ...
Very helpful lesson and would appreciate if you could help me understand what exactly David Pawson saying at 13:50 into the video, "into their pr ...
Praise God! I have followed this blog for years. Just came back to it tonight. I know our sister is with JESUS. So I am happy. Though I am sad. I got ...
It's a wake up call for some Christians.
We need more sermons like this.
Thank you. May God Bless you and your family.
Thank you so much I have been in a personal battle myself. And yes these articles have been eye opening for me as well. I have been so caught up in be ...
Really great post! It inspires me to create a blog post of my own. I'm just not sure where to start...
In fact, this is what this perilous generation needs. The truth has been perverted, church becoming less focus on the teachings of our Lord Jesus Chri ...
Hello, I am glad I read this. Thank you so much for posting it. The God of the Bible, I AM, He is the Most High God. Despite all things that try to ra ...
The NIV takes away scripture from the word of God and attacks the deity of Christ. This is not the correct bible to be reading with all due respect. T ...
This is the truth. Any one who is a true minister of Christ will come face to face with the spirit at every turn, but Christ has overcome. And we can ...